6 Important Parts of An Interview Consent Form

Interviews are a great method to use if researchers want a more honest, spontaneous, and real answers from participant. Seeing the benefits, no wonder it has long been used by people all around the world. But, do you know that in order to conduct an interview you have to use an interview consent form?

Why Should We Use Interview Consent Form?

A consent form is a form used to record the statement that someone is giving consent to an act being done to them, in this case it is an interview. Interviews often ask for the participant’s personal data and more often than not, it will be recorded and published. For some, this might be a breach of privacy. That is why the interviewer needs to know for sure that you want to do this as well, or in other words consent to the interview.

Another point why consent form is needed is because the interview might take a long time. In that case, the interviewer wants to state that you are not held against your own will. Voluntariness is an important point. Then, if there’s any sort of payment for your participation, this form guarantees that you’ll have it.

Agreement to Participate in Interview Form

Agreement to Participate in Interview Form

Consent for Participating in a Research Interview.

Consent for Participating in a Research Interview

Family Interview Consent Form.

Family Interview Consent Form

Individual Consent Form for Media Interviews.

Individual Consent Form for Media Interviews

Oral History Interview Consent Form.

Oral History Interview Consent Form

Sample Interview Consent Form.

Sample Interview Consent Form

Parts of Interview Consent Form You Have to Notice

To make sure that the interview consent form being made is thorough, it have to include several things. Those things are:

1. Short detail of the interview.

It is important that the participant knows what they are getting themselves into before they actually do it. If there’s no information whatsoever, the consent will not be made with full knowledge. Informed consent is the pre-requisite of any interview. Therefore, you should add several details about the interview. Those details include the general aim or theme of the interview, how long will the interview be conducted, and if there are any risk to doing the interview. Also mention that the participant might ask questions about the consent form.

2. Statement of voluntariness.

The interviewer should make sure that the participant is doing this out of their own will. Any sort of external reasons that forces the participant to do the interview should not be tolerated.

3. A statement to ask for the participant’s personal data.

Interviewer might ask for personal data before, midst, or after the interview. Remember to put a statement that ask whether the participant consent to this collection of personal data.

4. Statements about method of collecting data.

An interview might use several means of collecting data, one of them is using a recorder. It is known to be illegal to record a conversation with someone without prior knowledge from them. To make things legal, put the statement that you’re going to record the interview in the interview consent form.

5. Statements about whether the work will be published.

People might not want their personal data to be shared. Make sure that the participant knows that the interview will be published (if you choose to do so)

6. Arrangement of payment (if any).

Though uncommon, a statement detailing the arrangement of payment might be needed. Here, specify how much, when, and how the money will be paid. The arrangement should be made on a consensus.

An interview consent form is meant to make the interview legal and conducted under the consent of the participant. Noticing the key parts of this form is important for both researcher and participant. Without a proper understanding of consent in interviews, complications might make the quality of the interview drop.