Best 3+ Simple BSA Medical Form (and 4 Tips to Fill The Form!)

When you have to hike mountains, cross rivers, and survive in the wilderness, a healthy body is crucial. No one wants to collapse in the middle of the wilderness. Boy Scouts of America realizes that health is a pre-requisite to enjoying nature for days. That is why they create a BSA medical form to asses our health.

This type of medical formis a form used to identify the medical well being of boy scouts who wants to join BSA’s activities. In this form, you do not have to be perfectly healthy. All you have to prove is that you don’t have a medical complication that could stop you from being physically active. Care to know more about the form? Find out through our elaboration below.

Things to Notice in A BSA Medical Form

A BSA medical form is divided into three types. These types have several functions. Not every form type needs to be filled by boy scouts. Here is an explanation of the content of the types:

• Type A

This is a section of the medical form that is filled with information. Here, you have to read through paragraphs of information about the risks and dangers that is closely linked to the activities. After writing your name, date of birth, and your parents’/guardian’s name, sign in the given blank space on the bottom of the form.

• Type B

The next section of BSA medical form is about your medical history. Here you need to fill out several forms about your medical well being. Things like your allergies, current medication, and past medical complication will need to be written. If you are planning to be a regular member, update this part regularly. In this section, you also need to give a more detailed personal information.

• Type C

Type C of the medical form is filled by a physician or doctor. The doctor will check your current physical condition. General things like weight and height will be counted. Blood pressure and complications in your organs will also be checked. The end of this section will require the examiner’s signature and personal information. This last type of the form is only needed for participants of a more than 72 hour camp or a highly physical activity.

BSA Florida Sea Base Medical Form

BSA Florida Sea Base Medical Form

Downloadable BSA Medical Record Camp Form

Downloadable BSA Medical Record Camp Form

BSA Medical Screening Form Format

BSA Medical Screening Form Format

Example of Annual BSA Medical Form

Example of Annual BSA Medical Form

Free BSA Health and Medical Form

Free BSA Health and Medical Form

Sample BSA High Adventure Medical Form

Sample BSA High Adventure Medical Form

How to Fill Out the Medical Form

When you want to fill out a BSA medical form, you need to pay close attention to several things. The first thing is to know which activity you want to join. Notice that different activity is followed by different forms and different requirements.

When deciding which activity you want to join, know your medical history. Knowing your medical history means that you know your existing physical limitation. Work around that limitation and choose activities that you are able to keep up with. Aside from that, medical history will need to be submitted in the form.

To fill out the form, go to a physician or general doctor and be detail oriented. A physician is needed as someone who have the authority to conduct the medical examination. After the physician/doctor examine you, see the form again. If there’s a missing information that the doctor hasn’t filled, notify him/her.

Before you join any Boy Scouts of America activity, make sure to fill out their BSA medical form. In it, you’ll find different sections for different activities. Refer to our article for explanations about each type. Also remember to use our tips in filling out the form. Have fun being active in the wilderness!