4 Parts of a Comprehensive Health Declaration Form

Health is one of the most important thing we can have. Employers see it that way too. That is why a health declaration form. This is a form that includes your medical history and your current health condition. The declaration form is used to apply for jobs alongside CVs and other documents. It’s not enough to know the basic function of the form. Find out why it’s important, the structure, and several tips in our article below.

Why Is a Health Declaration Form Important?

Declaring your health might sound arbitrary. But actually, a health declaration form fulfills two important purposes. The first one is it is a statement to say that you are fit for work. Any serious illness will hold employees from efficiently doing their work. Employers don’t want that. Knowing that you won’t cause a disruption when you work is assured through this letter.

The second function of a health declaration form is so that companies can accommodate employees with disability. Right now, companies are inclusive. They allow equal chance of applying for all employers. But they need to know if you are disable. This information is not used to dispel you. Rather it is used to create facilities to make your job better.

Free Health Declaration Form

Free Health Declaration Form

Health and Safety Declaration Form

Health and Safety Declaration Form

Health Declaration Form in PDF

Health Declaration Form in PDF

Health Declaration Form in Word Format

Health Declaration Form in Word Format

Occupational Health Declaration Form

Occupational Health Declaration Form

Personal Health Declaration Form

Personal Health Declaration Form

The Content Of a Health Declaration Form

Are you intrigued to issue a health declaration form now? Well first you need to know the content so you can fill it on your own.

  • Medical history
    The first part you have to tackle is your medical history. Do you have any history of being hospitalized? Or do you have a medical complication in the past? If you do, you might need to elaborate on that in a designated blank section. To know your medical history, ask your parents. Or you could see your medical records that is kept by your hospital.
  • Current condition
    This question will give you several prompts that asks if you experience any of the mentioned condition. Trouble breathing, light headed, stomach ulcers, are a general thing that is asked. Be honest about this. Lying will just complicate you if you get the job.
  • Other medical details to notice
    If your medical condition isn’t mentioned, spill it in this area. Unique diseases might not get the place in the prompts. That is why you need to specify your condition in this section.
  • Declaration and signature
    In this section, you will have to declare your full responsibility of the information you have given. This section is different to every company. But it always ends with your signature to close things off formally.

How To Get The Job

Relying on the health declaration form is not enough. You need to have some tricks so you could get the job right away. The first tips is to submit all the necessary document. Missing one document or two might be the reason for you to not get the job.

Then, in your document, make sure you highlight all your strengths. Your weaknesses should be mentioned. But it should be mentioned strategically. Make sure you have a plan on how to tackle that weakness or how you work around it.

There are plenty tips for job applicants. But the most important tips is the aforementioned two. Other tips is usually unique to what sort of job you are applying. The bottom part is to be dedicated and confident in your job application.

Health is a valuable commodity nowadays. Show your employer that you are perfectly healthy with a health declaration form. Get used to the contents. Then, go get the job using our tips. We guarantee that employers won’t be able to resist you!