6+ Best Membership Application Form

Membership is a door to many opportunities. You can get exclusive facilities, training, and many more. To enter this world of exclusivity, you first need to get through one thing. A membership application form. If you are not familiar with this form, you might want to know the structure and tips through our article below.

The Benefits of Being a Member

Being a member is not just merely putting your name and signature on paper. It actually comes with a lot of benefits.

The first benefit of being a member is the discounts. It is common to see that members have exclusive discounts or deals. It will really save you money in the long run. The next benefit is that you have access to exclusive things. For example, with a membership to a gym you might get access to a private training. Who doesn’t want these exclusive stuff?

Other than that, there are also reasons why membership is good for you personally. First, it pushed you to be more committed. You’ve paid all this money and signed all these form, some part of you now feels like there is something to lose if you are not committed. This is a great push to get a goal. The next reason why it is good for you because exclusivity usually makes you happy. Trying something new also makes you happy. So, for the sake of well being, why not try filling the membership application form now?

Gym Membership Application Form

Gym Membership Application Form
Gym Membership Application Form

Housing Society Membership Application Form

Housing Society Membership Application Form
Housing Society Membership Application Form

Motorcycle Club Membership Application Form

Motorcycle Club Membership Application Form
Motorcycle Club Membership Application Form

Social Club Membership Application Form

Social Club Membership Application Form
Social Club Membership Application Form

Society Membership Application Form

Society Membership Application Form
Society Membership Application Form

VIP Membership Application Form

VIP Membership Application Form
VIP Membership Application Form

What Is In a Membership Application Form

In order to get the right information, the form is made up of a lot of sections. Those sections are:

  1. Identity of applicant
    First of all, you need to write down all the information about you. This includes your full name, contact number, and address. If it is a paid membership, you might need to tell your card number or other payment details.
  2. Terms and condition
    The form will then tell you about the terms and condition of the membership. Read carefully. Make sure that the membership is safe and there is no sketchy things that you have to agree to.
  3. Membership plan
    In some forms, you will have to choose a membership plan. This plan usually varies according to the time span, facilities or activities offered, and cost. If you are not sure what to pick, ask about the plan further to the company.
  4. Signature
    Once you’ve done all that, it is time to seal the deal. Sign the form and write your name too alongside it.

Are You Entering The Right Membership?

Through these elaboration, one question remains: Are you entering the right membership? You need to check through these signs.

The first thing you need to check is your passion and excitement. Are you really excited to enter this membership? If you are not, ask whether you are taking this membership out of your own initiative or not. If you are governed by other people’s opinion, you better not get committed to a membership. If your heart is fully in the game, you’ve made the right choice of being a member.

The next thing you need to check is whether it is worth it. With the same price or same rule, are there any other place that offers a more lucrative membership? Is there any place that offers a better facility or is closer to home? Do your research. You might get a better deal.

Being a member is a piece of cake once you know all about the membership application form. You also need to use our tips on finding the best membership. Good luck!