9 Tips for a Wonderful Personal Training Assessment Form

A personal trainer is usually someone that knows what is best for you. But, does your personal trainer knows what is best for them? That is why it is crucial that you give them feedback to make them better than they already are. Use our personal training assessment form and some of our tips.

The Content of a Personal Training Assessment Form

To make personal trainings better, you do not need a whole lot. All you really need are these contents:

  1. Identity of trainee
    First of all, the trainee will have to give some identity about who they are. They have to write down their full name, contact number, and full address. Sometimes, other identity will also be asked like the social media account of the trainee.
  2. Questions and ratings
    Next, there will be some questions about the quality of the personal training. You can answer that by giving a rating or checking some checkboxes.
  3. Feedbacks and ideas
    As a trainee, you need to give a thorough assessment towards your trainer. The way to do that is to also fill the blank space underneath the assessment. Fill it with your general comment, critique, or ideas on how to make them grow.

Tips To Be a Better Trainer

Let’s say that you already have the result from the personal training assessment form. Now, how should you improve for the better with that form. Here are some ideas how.

The first tip is to listen to your trainee. Maybe yes, you are more experienced and smarter than them. But, what you are trying to do is to make them grow. You can’t do that when you stifle their voice. Plus, in order to really make them grow, you have to get to know them first; their flaws, their characteristics, everything. The only way to do that is by opening up a line of communication.

The second tip is to take action. You won’t get far if you just ask them to talk and you sit there and listen. Acting on what they were complaining about shows that you are really there for them. Make this action tangible and progressive as time goes by. That way, the trainee knows that they are growing with you.

All and all, what you really need to do is to show that you are there for them. Show that you are a part of the journey with them and that they are not alone. They will be more motivated, happy, and calm during their growth.

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Tips To Be a Better Trainee

For trainees, after you use the personal training assessment form, you also need to make some growth yourself. Here are how:

  • Listen and do
    Actually listen to what your trainer have to say. Yes, you have leverage over them because you paid them. But, if you want the result that you paid for, you need to actually listen and do.
  • Know your end goal
    The key to every training process is to be motivated. The foundation of any motivation is knowing your end goal. That is why as you train you need to understand why you want the end goal in the first place and remind yourself that every time.
  • Strengthen your discipline
    Then, you need to strengthen your discipline. It will get really hard in the middle of the road. You don’t want to let that stop you so you have to make your discipline unwavered.

When both the trainer and the trainee wants to grow, communication is key. Once you know all about the personal training assessment form, your communication and growth will be golden!