6+ Best Picture Release Form

Pictures are worth a lot. As an owner of the picture, you have to be careful on who gets the picture and who does not. That is why you need to know your rights and how to use the picture release form. Don’t know how? We’re going to tell you everything from the structure to some tips about how to get your picture safe.

Etiquettes of Using Someone’s Picture

You do not simply use someone’s picture. If you do use someone’s picture without any consideration, you might create some unwanted bad blood between you and the owner. Therefore, there are some etiquettes that you need to stick to before using the picture release form. We are going to elaborate those etiquettes for you.

The first etiquette is to always ask for consent. If you are using a picture, ask the person in the picture if you can use it. When people don’t give you permission, you are obliged to not use the picture or to blur their face to make their identity unknown. When asking for consent, ask for it politely and respect every decision that comes out of it. Coercion should not be used in any way.

The second etiquette is to always give credits. In social media, you can tag the person who originally have the picture. You could also add a citation to elaborate the source link that you found the picture on. The bottom line is to give a concise and straightforward link towards the original picture so people know exactly who was the previous owner of the picture.

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Parts of The Picture Release Form

If you want to ask for some consent, you need a full form to do that. Here are the structure of the picture release form:

  1. Statement of consent
    The form is opened with a statement of consent which state that the owner gives the picture towards another actor with full consent. This statement also specifies what the picture is needed for and whether there will be compensation for the picture.
  2. Identity of owner
    Next, in the picture release form the owner needs to write down their full name, address, and contact number. The date of the signing also needs to be written down.
  3. Signature
    The form will then be authorized with the signature from the owner. If the owner is a minor, then their parents or their guardian can be the one who signs the form.

How To Make Your Picture Safe

Should you say yes or no to the picture release form? How do you keep your pictures safe? These are the questions that is commonly asked when faced with the form. Here are our tips.

The first tip is to know exactly the purpose of why they ask for your picture. If it is for a no good use, then do not give your picture to them. Meanwhile, if it is for educational purposes or other good reasons, you can give it. However, still be careful because not all people are honest. To hold them accountable, negotiate a way to monitor what they do with your photo. Make sure that the implementation does not deviate from the original purpose.

The second tip is to do not be coerced or pressured to consent. Remember, it is your right to say yes or no. If there is any sort of coercion to the process of asking for permission, that implies something bad about the purpose of usage.

Asking for or giving permission for the usage of a picture is not hard. All you have to do is to refer to our picture release form and some of our tips.