5+ Professional Recommendation Letters

Secrets for a Captivating Professional Recommendation Letters – We all need to make a recommendation letter at least once in our life. This is because throughout our life we usually have the desire to apply to something. Be it a job, a scholarship, or an internship. The best person to ask for recommendation letters are a professional in their field. We’re here to tell you all about tips and structure of a professional recommendation letters.

How To Ask For Someone To Make a Recommendation For You

The first step to any recommendation letter obviously is to find the right person to write it. Well, we have some tips on how to do that.

First, find someone that knows you. If you are choosing someone that doesn’t know you that well, they won’t make a comprehensive letter. Find a professional that have been with you for years or someone that you know personally. The next tip is to find someone that also have a good professional record. Someone who is highly esteemed in their line of work will be taken more seriously by reviewers.

Then, how do you actually ask for their help? Simple, all you need to do is to walk out to them. Ask them if they are free to have a talk. Don’t approach them yet when they are busy. Never ask them through email. Once you have the chance to speak, tell them what you want. If they say yes, tell them the details. When is the deadline, who you are writing to, etc. If they say no, respectfully say thank you.

Example Professional Reference Letters

Example Professional Reference Letter 1

Professional Job Recommendation Letter

Professional Job Recommendation Letter

Professional Letter of Recommendation

Professional Letter of Recommendation

Professional Recommendation Letter Example

Professional Recommendation Letter Example

Sample Job Reference Letter

Sample Job Reference Letter

Sample of Professional Recommendation Letters

Sample Letter of Recommendation

Structure Of a Professional Recommendation Letters

Both professionals and candidates need to know the structure of the letter. It is the foundation of a well written professional recommendation letters :

  1. Personal information
    At the top of the letter, the professional will have to write their name, address, and contact number. If professionals also have an email address, do write it down. Same goes for the institution the candidate is applying to. Write it down after the professional write their information.
  2. Opening paragraph
    In the opening paragraph, the professional clarifies his/her relation to the candidate.
  3. Skills and accomplishment
    This is where professionals need to get elaborative. The format can either be in points or in a paragraph. All the ethics, achievements, and skills that the professional sees fit should be written here.
  4. Recommendation
    Finally, the letter is closed by a paragraph of recommendation. Here, the writer writes how strongly they recommend the candidate.
  5. Signature
    The letter is then closed off with the signature. It is usually accompanied by the professional’s name and the date of the writing of the letter.

Tips On Writing a Great Letter

Now, this tip is for professionals. How should you write a great and captivating letter? The first tip is to notice the detail. This includes the format, grammar, typos, deadlines, and other. Ask for the letter requirements from the candidate. Stick to it. This is the building brick of a good professional recommendation letters.

After that, you need to know the candidate. List their accomplishments or things you like about them. Then, pick 3-4 that fits the description of the job. Remember to back up your claim with some example. You want to make the letter as realistic as possible. The next tip in writing is to maintain positivity. Show how much you support the candidate and how strongly you recommend them for the program.

For candidates and professional, do not fret. We have all the necessary tips for the creation of professional recommendation letters. Apply it and see how beneficial it really is!