15+ Best Corrective Action Form

We may never know what started a bad behavior. But, we can try our best to shift that bad behavior into a positive one. To do that, you might need some tools to make an observation and a plan. What you need as your first step is the corrective action form. Use our form, pay attention to our structure, and benefit from our tips in the article below.

Why Discipline Is Needed

Before using the corrective action form, a question might come in mind. Why is this form needed? The answer lies in the importance of discipline.

When encountering a bad behavior, people usually go soft or they throw away that person completely, shunning them and labelling them as “bad”. But, the answer to their behavior is actually some understanding and discipline. Understanding because it is only with compassion that you can heal someone’s hurt. A bad behavior is usually a pain that is long kept unsolved.

After understanding the person, discipline is needed. Usually the person that have a bad behavior has long been comfortable in this way of acting. Ask them to do more and to be more. Just asking them to do something good once won’t suffice. You need them to be disciplined enough to sustain this small act until it becomes an innate behavior. By using the form, you are doing the first step to making them accountable for their action and be more disciplined in the future.

Corrective Action Report Form

Corrective Action Report Form
Corrective Action Report Form

Corrective Action Request Form

Corrective Action Request Form
Corrective Action Request Form

Corrective Action Response Form

Corrective Action Response Form
Corrective Action Response Form

Employee Corrective Action Form PDF Format

Employee Corrective Action Form PDF Format
Employee Corrective Action Form PDF Format

Free Vendor Corrective Action Form

Free Vendor Corrective Action Form
Free Vendor Corrective Action Form

Quality Corrective Action Form

Quality Corrective Action Form
Quality Corrective Action Form

Supplier Corrective Action Form in PDF

Supplier Corrective Action Form in PDF
Supplier Corrective Action Form in PDF

What’s In a Corrective Action Form

Want to know what goes into the transformative corrective action form? Here are the structure of the form:

  • Identity of supervisor
    The supervisor or handler of the problem will have to give some general information first. This includes their full name and sometimes contact number and job position.
  • Identity of perpetrator
    Then, the identity of the perpetrator needs to be exposed. The format is the same with the identity of the supervisor. In some cases, the picture or ID number of the perpetrator will also be included.
  • Type of violation
    Did they do a physical violence or a verbal abuse or something else? Tick the boxes provided in the corrective action form type of violence section. If you want to describe it more or if it is not in the boxes, write it down yourself.
  • Corrective action taken
    Knowing the violation conducted, what are the actions taken to make it better in the future? Specify this in a paragraph or in 4-5 sentences.
  • Notes & signature
    If there is more things that supervisors want to add, they can add it here. They also need to write down their signature to authorize the whole thing.

How To Guide Them Towards a Better Behavior

You already know the corrective action form. What if you want to do more? Relax, we’ve got your back.

The first tips is to make the best plan and stick to it. Don’t make a plan that fix the behavior in the short term. Think long term by finding out the root cause of the problem and making a solution for that. Then, make a plan on it that is actionable and reasonable. The most important part is that you use discipline to stick to the agreed plan.

With this plan, you also need to review your performance. Find out the flaw of the plan after two weeks or a month. Then, change it as you see fit.

A good behavior is easily molded when you use our corrective action form. Use our tips too to make the best of that attitude shift.