5 Useful Basics of Employee Declaration Form

Employee declaration form vary in all sorts of types. It is ranging from confidential evidence disclosure of criminal history that are needed by employer to know during pre-screening process, to income tax declaration forms needed by the tax agency.These important documents are surely needed for future reference as well as information for documentation purposes.

Employee declarations are generally used as a form of guides to any employee who needs to fill out forms that can be used for their employment and tax requirements. The templates usually are all available free on the internet for downloading and can be printed for personal purposes.

Employee Declaration Form and Criminal Records

Employee declaration form are also very important to keep away any unintended incidents from happening when in workplace. These incidents may be caused by employees who has criminal records that’s failed to be declared as an accidental episode.

In several countries, individuals who has had criminal record are prevented to apply from any type of job, this includes both white collar and blue collar jobs for the sake of other employee’s safety.

But now, after some legal progression that has happened over the past few years, this law is taken back to maintain the advances in human rights as well as equal opportunity laws. Those who had minor criminal history are allowed to be employed again.

However, before being able to be employed again, these individuals with criminal history, needs to fill out some type of declaration form that acts as a complete and honest disclosure of their criminal past.

Other Purposes of The Declaration Form

This declaration form also applies for those who doesn’t have any criminal history. The main purpose is to ensure honesty and openness in the workplace. This form is also needed for mild past history check as well as to ask how well those individuals perform in his/her previous workplace when faced with challenges that comes with the jobs.

As you can see for yourselves, this form may be acquired to assess performance prior to being hired. Some psychologists might even be involved to cite patterns in the productivity of workers based on their previous performances in the workplace.

This is needed to find out whether the individual voluntarily resigned or was laid off from work for being unproductive or for some misbehaving that warranted his or her firing.

Tax Declaration Form

A tax declaration form is required for when it’s the individual’s first job fresh from school and come prerequisite prior to being issued a Tax Identification Number (TIN). The same thing also applies for when he or she has just switched employment.

Medical Declaration Form

On the other hand, a medical declaration form is a mandatory document for every job applicant to collect before he or she begins to work. The purpose of this is to ensure whether the employee is fit to work or not.

Otherwise the company may have to take the risks if any of the employees suffer serious illness arising from not stating the already existing ailment or a serious medical condition. As you can see, this is why It’s very important for employees to be medically fit and be honest about their physical condition prior to being hired. This is especially important for jobs which demand physical effort.

Employee Declaration Form of Emoluments

Employee Declaration Form of Emoluments page 0
Employee Declaration Form of Emoluments

Employee Tax Code Declaration Form

Employee Tax Code Declaration Form
Employee Tax Code Declaration Form

MIDMTC Employee Declaration Form

MIDMTC Employee Declaration Form
MIDMTC Employee Declaration Form

Pre Employment Declaration

Pre Employment Declaration
Pre Employment Declaration

Sample Employee Declaration Form Download

Sample Employee Declaration Form Download
Sample Employee Declaration Form Download

Template Employee Tax Declaration Form

Template Employee Tax Declaration Form
Template Employee Tax Declaration Form

Facts and Tips of Employee Declaration Form

  • The forms should be filled before the due date, otherwise it would be rejected immediately.
  • One should make sure that all the information put in is correct. Any false or dishonest information will lead you to rejection. Moreover, It may also lead to a criminal offence if other motives are found.
  • Original documents must be available for verification. Not having documents of employee identity or salary proof will, again, lead to rejection.

An employee declaration form is very significant for all employees who are earning periodical income under either public or private sector companies. This may vary from person to person. Therefore, filing such forms would be very much recommended to know about your income and other taxes that are liable in the income. This would help both the government and the taxpayer mutually.