8+ Helpful Functional Behavior Assessment Form

8+ Secrets for a Helpful Functional Behavior Assessment Form: Human’s behavior is complex. It is made by so many impulses and there are so many reasons behind it. For students, a bad behavior might be hard to crack or understand. This is where the functional behavior assessment form comes in. Find out the function, the structure, and how to use it through this article.

Why Is Understanding Behavior So Important?

Behavior, although it is tricky, needs to be understood. Especially when it comes to students. We are going to tell you the reasons why.

The first and most important reason is because behaviors have a root. Good behavior is inspired by a good occurrence or habit. Meanwhile, a bad habit shows that there is pain or a reinforcement of a bad habit. It shows that students are not inherently bad. They are just hurting. As a teacher or an adult, it is our obligation to help students. Helping to solve the root of the problem will help their life.

Other than that, the expected result of a functional behavior assessment form, which is a good behavior is needed. Once you relieve students from their pain, they can focus on their studies. You can also make them build trust with you. The combination of a stress free mind and trust will make them devoted towards their school. This is the ideal student that every school and teacher wants.

Functional Behavior Assessment Form Autism

Functional Behavior Assessment Form Autism
Functional Behavior Assessment Form Autism

Functional Behavior Assessment Observation Form

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Functional Behavior Assessment Observation Form

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Protocol Functional Behavior Assessment Form

Protocol Functional Behavior Assessment Form
Protocol Functional Behavior Assessment Form

Sample Functional Behavior Assessment Interview Form

Sample Functional Behavior Assessment Interview Form
Sample Functional Behavior Assessment Interview Form

Waiver Functional Behavior Assessment Form Example

Waiver Functional Behavior Assessment Form Example
Waiver Functional Behavior Assessment Form Example

What’s In a Functional Behavior Assessment Form

The structure of a functional behavior assessment form is not complex. All you need are these things:

  • Identity of student
    Write down the full name of the student. Then write down their grade and student ID number if there is any.
  • Identity of reviewer
    You as a reviewer of the behavior also need to write down your full name. you can also write your profession.
  • Behavior
    This is the section where you need to elaborate on the student’s behavior. Stick to a 4-5 sentence elaboration to make it concise.
  • Frequency, duration, and intensity
    Then, you need to dig deeper in giving some information about the behavior. How frequent does this behavior happen? How long does it happen? And is it a mild or dangerous behavior?
  • Educational impact
    Having known and elaborated the behavior, you now need to see the impact. Does it interfere with their studies? And does it interfere with other student’s studies? Knowing the impact lets you know the magnitude of the problem.

How To Use The Form

You know the function and structure of the functional behavior assessment form. Now what you need to know is how to exactly use the form.

  • Don’t make them feel observed
    If they feel observed, they might not show their real side. Therefore, try to go incognito.
  • Be objective
    You can’t do a good assessment if your judgment is clouded. Therefore, try to acknowledge your bias beforehand. Then, work to make sure that you avoid that bias.
  • Give suggestions
    You are a professional. So rather than making a judgment then leaving the case, you can also give some suggestion. Try to make a plan on how the student can be nurtured and improved.
  • Monitor their progress
    Make sure that you monitor their progress too. Make sure that they stay on track and do not relapse to their bad behavior. If they do relapse, make sure that you have a plan on how to make them go back.

Studying gets so much easier when the root of the problem is identified and solved. The way to do that is by using our tips and our functional behavior assessment form. Good luck!