8+ Best Tips for HR Feedback Form

You can say that the human resource department have a pretty complex job. They have to be responsible for the quality of employees in a company. To do that, they have to do everything they can in making activities and program to increase the quality of employee. To not get overwhelmed, start simple. Use our HR feedback form and see our elaboration.

Why a Feedback is Important for Development

Human resource is supposed to give feedbacks to employee, not the other way around, right? Well, actually it does not work that way.

Although it is the human resource department’s job to evaluate, once in a while the department needs to be evaluated too. This is because like everyone, the human resource department can make mistakes. They can be blinded towards their flaws and stuck in systems that stops them from growing.

A feedback is a light in a dark. This is because without an external perspective, someone might not comprehensively see their mistakes and where they are going. By creating a HR feedback form you will also give a sense that you really care about the company’s employee. Hence, you might have an easier time in creating bonds with them and helping them improve themselves.

Department Sample HR Feedback Form

Department Sample HR Feedback Form
Department Sample HR Feedback Form

HR Employee Performance Feed Form

HR Employee Performance Feed Form
HR Employee Performance Feed Form

Interview HR Feedback Form

Interview HR Feedback Form
Interview HR Feedback Form

Policy HR Feed Form

Policy HR Feed Form
Policy HR Feed Form

Sample HR Induction Feedback Form

Sample HR Induction Feedback Form
Sample HR Induction Feedback Form

Sample HR Training Feedback Form

Sample HR Training Feedback Form
Sample HR Training Feedback Form

Services HR Feedback Form

Services HR Feedback Form
Services HR Feedback Form

The Things In a HR Feedback Form

For a form to be good, it does not have to be too complex. All you need are these things:

  1. Identity of reviewer
    First, the reviewer or employee will have to give a short information about their identity. This includes their full name, employee ID number, and/or department. On the other hand, the reviewer can also remain anonymous.
  2. Instruction and importance of the form
    After the identity section, the form will usually give an elaboration about how to fill the form. Here, there will be a description about the importance of the form. Then, the writer usually elaborate whether the way to answer the question is with a yes/no, open ended, or rating system.
  3. Questions and answers
    This is the essence of the HR feedback form. On this section, the reviewer will see some question relating the training they did. They will be asked to assess the different aspects of the training.
  4. Further comments
    If there are other inputs that were not accommodated through the questions and answers, reviewers can put it here. This section can be filled with critiques, general comments, or suggestions.

Criteria of a Great Training

You already have the HR feedback form. Now it is up to you to improve your department and conduct a better employee training. We’ll help you by giving the criteria for a good training:

  • Great substance
    For a training to be good, it first have to give new and valuable information to the participant. So, before anything, always recheck and improve the substance that you want to teach.
  • Awesome method of training
    A substance won’t be much of a help if the method of training is boring or traumatic. Make the method fun, inclusive, and overall great. Use varying methods to keep the training challenging and attractive.
  • Complete facilities
    A great addition to an awesome substance and method of training is complete facilities. This includes great goody bag, area of training, accommodation, meal, and other facilities included in the training.
  • Other details
    Other details include the price, time, and small details about the activity. It could also include the hospitality of the trainer or the length of the event.

You can be the best human resource department ever by simply using our HR feedback form. Once you apply our other tips, you will be undefeatable!