6 Informative Parts of a Participant Consent Forms

6 Informative Parts of a Participant Consent Forms – Consent should always exist before any sort of participation. Consent is a condition where the participant wants to join something based on their own will. There should be no external force whatsoever. The consent should also be informed. Meaning that the decision to consent should be made after knowing everything. How it will be conducted, the side effects, etc. That is why you need to make a participant consent forms.

Why Does Consent Matters?

Asking for consent might seem simple. But it is more important than you might think it is. The first reason why it’s important is it shows respect. You respect other people by asking them to speak out. It shows that you are not entitled over a participant’s participation.

The next reason why it’s important is because it’s the legal thing to do. Holding someone captive to do your activity would be a crime. That’s why voluntariness is an important aspect here. Other than that, having consent is better. Someone that is forced to do something usually does a worse job at it. Why would you ruin the quality of your activity with involuntariness? Including someone who is happy to be in the activity is much better.

Gaisce Participant

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Participant Informed Consent

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Research Study Participant

The Insides Of a Participant Consent Forms

A participant consent forms is divided into several sections. Make sure you include all of it in your form. Here are the sections of the form:

  • Participant’s identity
    The first part of the form is one of the most crucial. Participants should write down their name, their address, and contact number. If there is any other way to contact them, ask them to write it down. Participant’s birth date and age could also be question. This depends on whether you want to be detailed or not.
  • Details about the activity
    Then, you should include some explanation about the details of the activity. What are you going to conduct? What are the procedures? How long will it take? You should answer all of that in this section.
  • Details about the implication
    There is always an implication when an action is done. In this section you need to talk about the side effects of the activity. Do not sugarcoat the side effects. Be as blunt as you can. This is important for an informed consent.
  • Payment detail
    If you agree to pay based on their participation, put the statement here. You could detail the agreement on the payment here. Or you could simply say that there will be payment done based on the agreement.
  • Statement about informed consent
    This is the essence of a participant consent forms. This sections includes a few statement. Those statement shows that the participant is informed and gives their consent.
  • Signature
    Finally, what the participant needs to do is to sign the form.

How To Ask For Consent

The first thing you should do is provide a participant consent forms. Give it to them and ask them to read it. Some people might not see the importance in reading it. It is crucial that you underline the importance of this form.

Then what you should do is to explain the contents of the form. If they have any question, you should answer it. Do not alter what is already written. Do not force them to agree with a section in the form if they don’t. It is your job to make sure that if they consent, they do so with full knowledge. Finally, you simply hand them a pen for them to sign the paper.

Participant consent forms is a pre-requisite to any activity. Make your form comprehensive and informative for the participant. Use our structure and our awesome tips. Asking for a formal consent has never been easier!