9+ Tips for a Useful Safety Report Form

Life is filled with unexpected occurrence. One of them could be a dangerous and even life threatening one. If you just missed something like that, you need to report it right away. Do so through a simple and useful safety report form. Read all about it plus some useful tips on avoiding danger through our article.

Different Types of The Form

Before you get into the structure of a safety report form, you need to know the different functions that it serves. Those functions are:

  1. Construction work
    Construction work is the lair for danger. The building is still not sturdy and there are a lot of exposed bricks or other construction material. In this setting, the form is used to report any mishap that happened when the construction is underway. This is important to know which part of the building to fix so the finished product is perfect.
  2. Hazard warning
    Maybe something has not become a full blown danger. However, you still need to report it to the authorities. This is so that they can secure the place and take the necessary steps to make it less dangerous. By reporting, they can also assess the level of danger that the hazard is showing.
  3. Incident report
    Got into a car accident or any dangerous incident at all? The authorities will most likely come to the scene to assess the danger. When that happens, they will have to summarize the accident. This is where the safety report form comes in.
  4. Routine check up
    Usually companies use this function. A routine checkup, say once per three months, is usually needed to make sure that everything is running just like the rule of procedure. This is common in big manufacturing companies. They want to make sure that the process does not seem harmful to anyone at all times.

Air Safety Report Form

Air Safety Report Form
Air Safety Report Form

Child Abuse Incident Report Form

Child Abuse Incident Report Form
Child Abuse Incident Report Form

Safety Accident Report Form

Safety Accident Report Form
Safety Accident Report Form

Safety Incident Report Form

Safety Incident Report Form
Safety Incident Report Form

Safety Report Form in PDF

Safety Report Form in PDF
Safety Report Form in PDF

Safety Representative Report Form

Safety Representative Report Form
Safety Representative Report Form

What’s In a Safety Report Form

There are a couple things that a safety report form will absolutely have. Those aspects are:

  • Name of observer
    First, the person who is authorized to fill the form needs to write down their name. they might also have to write down their employee ID number.
  • Name of person involved
    Then, if there is a victim or a witness, the person in authority needs to write that down. They also need to mention the victim/witness’s contact number.
  • Observation of accident
    A good rule of thumb in elaborating the accident is by asking the 5W+1H questions. This allows the observation to be more comprehensive.
  • Steps taken or needed
    If there are steps that needs to be taken to make the situation clear, write it down.
  • Signature
    Finally, the form is signed by the supervisor or boss to make sure that it is formal.

How To Avoid Danger

Even though danger is everywhere, we need to see the pattern in it. The first way to avoid danger is to join the city’s local chatroom or follow the news. They usually tell you the places to avoid or the current accidents that are happening. The second way to avoid danger is to educate yourself. Find the information on how to survive in different occasion. If there is a tool needed to survive, you can also get it. After you gather this information, tell it to everyone. They will really appreciate your knowledge and care for the community.

Because life is so unexpected, we need to come prepared. The way to do that is by acquiring some knowledge about a safety report form. Also use our tips on how to avoid danger. Good luck and be safe!