10 Most Useful Components of Wage Verification Form

You are certainly familiar if asked to write a wage verification form as a condition of a certain needs, such as borrowing money, renting a house, and to arrange a leasing agreement.

What Is a Wage Verification Form?

As the name suggests, a wage verification form serves to clarify the number of wages you get. Wage verification is often written in the form of letters by workers, accountants, and social security workers.

The document must be filled in by providing information related to the person’s work schedule, average hours worked per week, hourly rate, and any bonuses or tips earned.

Employee Wage Verification Form

Employee Wage Verification Form
Employee Wage Verification Form

Medicaid Program Wage Verification Request

Medicaid Program Wage Verification Request
Medicaid Program Wage Verification Request

Sample Wage Loss Verification Form

Sample Wage Loss Verification Form
Sample Wage Loss Verification Form

Sample Wage Verification Form

Sample Wage Verification Form
Sample Wage Verification Form

Standard Wage Application Form

Standard Wage Application Form
Standard Wage Application Form

Wage and Salary Verification Form

Wage and Salary Verification Form
Wage and Salary Verification Form


Usually, the purpose of writing this verification form is as a credible guarantee to predict whether someone has the economic power to pay for a property or return the money they have borrowed.

Another common use of this form is for child support services when evaluating how much a spouse should pay for the care of their child.


If you need to write one yourself, here are the structures that will provide you with ideas on what to include in your letter for proof of income.

  1. List your contact at the top
    Your contact information should include your full name, complete address, telephone number, email address, and fax number. Make sure that your contact is still relevant. If you have your own business, you can also include your business name and information as your contact information.
  2. Briefly explain the aim of your wage verification form
    You should enter this in the subject format under the contact information.This brief explanation about the subject of your letter will help convince the reader that they need to continue reading, as the subject is quite crucial.
  3. Begin by entering a polite greeting/salutation followed by the last name of the recipient
    For instance, you may say, “Dear Mr. Henderson,” or “To Ms. Evans.”If you lack information on who to officially address to, use the standard, “To Whom It May Concern.”
  4. Introduce yourself and explain why you’re sending the letter
    This quick summary is important to provide. You need to tell them the purpose of your letter clear and concise, so as not to waste their time with long-winded paragraphs.
  5. Provide details about your income
    You should write about how much money you make, how that money are made, how long you have been making that much money, and finally, how you are looking forward to being able to maintain the same or gaining greater income.
  6. Mention any additional income you have, in addition to your basic employment
    This could include various items such as gifts pensions and government benefits. Make clear of when and how much you will receive.
  7. Summarize your total income and suggest how it will be maintained
    The suggestions for how it will change should be based in fact. Do not simply state your hopes for future income.
  8. Include a brief sentence saying there is the additional paper to your wage verification form
    You can simply request that the receiver of your letter should examine the documentation attached, which will support claims you’ve made in your letter. This sentence will help ensure that the person receiving your letter know that you have some included additional files.
  9. Thank the receiver for their time and consideration
    You should close your letter with a formal closing by stating your gratitude and salutation followed by your full name.”Sincerely” is a common formal closing salutation used in letters such as this.
  10. Provide the letter with your signature
    If you are sending this wage verification form electronically, you do not have to sign it by hand. But if you do, it’s best to sign it directly. Remember to provide the signature with your business title.

Once completed, a wage verification form you have written should be returned to only the requestor. The main purpose of this is to maintain its confidentiality, as it may contain sensitive information that always needs to be protected.