10+ Baby Weight Chart Templates and Understand Your Baby Growth

Who’s not going to love seeing a baby is smiling and laughing? As the baby grows, we must keep wondering about their development. Do they catch up the standard? Or even worse they are below the average. You can use the baby weight chart to learn their progress. This tool will help to ease your mind and answer worries.

It is normal to have that worry. But comparing the baby with your friend’s little one is not right. Just because the baby is large does not mean they are healthy, and vice versa. Here are numbers that every parent should know to track their baby weight:

WHO Baby Weight Chart

The baby weight chart below is based on The World Health Organization (WHO) child growth standards. The numbers are used only for the baby under age 2. If your baby is older than age 2, you are supposed to find another measurement. This baby weight chart printable is divided into two types. Based on age and gender (boy and girl) also weight compared to the height.

1. Chart Based on Age and Gender

You need to know that gender affects your baby size. A baby boy tends to be larger than a baby girl. They will also grow more weight in the future. So, it is obviously not equal to compare a boy and a girl. Look at the chart below. The left side shows your baby weight, while the horizontal line describes your baby age.

Each chart has a green line. This part is a limitation of the standard. You should be relaxed when your baby weight is above this line. Whether your baby is a boy or a girl. This means that your baby weight is normally based on their age. You don’t have to worry even people may say your baby is so small.

2. Chart Based on Weight to Height

This chart is a little bit different from the previous measurement. You need to know your baby height first. So, the result shows your baby is skinny or fat. Point out your baby weight from the left side, when compared to their height from the horizontal number.

If your baby weight is under the green line, it means they are skinny. It is time to notice their nutrition. You are suggested to feed more for gaining their weight. But if the result shows above the green line, your baby is fat. Make sure this condition is not bothering their healthy.

Determine Future Weight

Not every baby has the same track of growing. Many factors determine their size. It relates to the parent size, food nutrition, also the quality of milk. If the baby weight needs to gain properly, you may need formula or supplement. But if the baby weight seems normal, you don’t need to do many things.

During their first year, usually, the weight is increased significantly. But as they are able to walk, run, and do more activity, the number will tend to go down. It is okay. The busier your baby, the more supply they need. You just have to give them more food for their energy.

Baby weight chart on their first 2 is a handout to predict their future. You can download both charts above as pdf. This baby weight chart pdf is a record, whether their weight is growing well or not. Put in on the wall so each family member can monitor your little one. Because every single development is important to be noticed.

For your information, this WHO chart is not used for baby with the special condition. You must see the doctor help examine your baby weight condition. They can assure you about the development and everything you need to do for your baby.

Templates of Baby Weight Chart


Baby Weight Chart
Baby Weight Chart


Baby weight chart during pregnancy


Baby weight chart during pregnancy

Baby weight conversion chart

Baby weight conversion chart


Baby weight chart in kg

Baby weight chart in kg

Pregnancy Weight Gain Chart