9 Best Sections of a Legal Copyright Release Form

Copy right is something that stops people from stealing the intellectual property of someone else. It is useful. It ensures that people who birthed the idea can get the profit out of it. But, what if you want that intellectual property? Do not fret. The way to legally ask for that property is through a copyright release form which we will elaborate below.

Why You Shouldn’t Copy Illegally

With all these beautiful intellectual property, it is tempting to just copy it without anyone noticing. In fact, it is already apparent all around the world. But, we are going to tell you why it is best that you stick to using the copyright release form.

The first reason is respect. Doing things legally is a form of respect to the artist / maker. Asking them for permission gives them a sense of acknowledgement. It also gives them pride with the fact that their work is important enough to be admired by someone else. Moreover, you are respecting the amount of labor and time they need to make that masterpiece.

On a more serious note, using the form is also important because if not, you might get into some legal trickiness. Remember that copyright is not merely a label. It is a label that comes with the law. If you cross or deny the law, going to the court might be in your future. If you do not want that to happen, just play by the rules.

Academic Journals Copyright Release Form

Academic Journals Copyright Release Form

Copyright Release Form for Written Work

Copyright Release Form for Written Work

IEEE Copyright Release Form Format Doc

IEEE Copyright Release Form Format Doc

Mandatory Copyright Release Form

Mandatory Copyright Release Form

Photo Submission & Copyright Release Form

Photo Submission Copyright Release Form

Recording Consent and Copyright Release Form

Recording Consent and Copyright Release Form

What Is In a Copyright Release Form

There are a couple of things that needs to be known through the form. That is why there are several sections to accommodate that. Here are those structure:

  • Date and topic of form
    On the top part of the copyright release form, first the date of the form will be written down. other than that, the topic of the form (whether it’s copyright of a movie, logo, etc.) is written down too.
  • Identity of the maker
    Then the maker of that copyrighted property should write down some general information about them. This includes their full name, address, and others.
  • Statements
    This is the core of the form. In this section, there will be some statements regarding the release of copy right. It is different from form to form. Hence why the copyright old owner needs to read it carefully.
  • Signature
    Make it completely authorized and finished with a signature of the copyright old owner.

How To Ask Them To Give You The Permission

It is not easy for the maker to release something that they love so much. That is why you need to do your best to persuade them. Here are the steps:

  1. Show your admiration
    The first thing you need to do is to show how much you admire their work. Really analyze the beauty of the property that is not easily seen. Depth like this is important to show genuineness.
  2. Show your good intention
    Then, tell them why you need the copy right. Be transparent about what you want to do with the property once you have it.
  3. Follow it up
    Finally, follow it up by giving them the copyright release form. Try not to push them into signing. Take it slow until they eventually say yes. But if they say no, respect their decision.

Enjoy your share of that prized intellectual property once you understand the workings of a copyright release form. Then, use our tips on how to ask for it to ensure that you secure the deal!