5 Amazing Parts of a Direct Day Off Request Form

It’s not that employer does not want to give a day off. Sometimes the problem lies in how the day off is requested. The requests could be too short, too lengthy, or too informal. To get rid of the confusion, it is time to make a day off request form. This form is made to request a short leave from a certain company for reasons like being sick, having an emergency, and other reasons. Curious on how to make the form? Here are our tips on creating the day off request form.

The Importance of Having A Day Off

A day off might seem like a waste of time. But it is actually more important than you might think it is. There are some amazing impacts from allowing a day off. The first one is you’re ensuring the basic right of employees. The right to rest is the basic right of employees that companies are obliged to protect. Indirectly, this will increase the reputation of the company. A high reputation makes the employer want to work for the company even more.

The second impact is that you’re increasing productivity and creativity. Creating some space from the problem makes people more critical. They’re not stuck inside the problem. Instead, they have some time to see the bigger picture. This allows them to create a better and more comprehensive solution.

That is why it is so important to make having a day off easier for employers. Not only will it benefit the company, it will also benefit the employer. We believe that satisfaction from both parties is important to a good company.

Day Off Credit Request Form

Day Off Credit Request Form

Day Off Request Form in Word Format

Day Off Request Form in Word Format

Free Day Off Request Form

Free Day Off Request Form

Printable Day Off Request Form

Printable Day Off Request Form

Staff Day Off Request Form

Staff Day Off Request Form

Vacation Day Off Request Form

Vacation Day Off Request Form

The Format of A Day Off Request Form

A day off request form needs to be systematic. That is why there are some important contents to include in the form. Some of those contents are:

• Personal identification

Here, the issuer needs to fill their name, their position, and other personal identity. This is one of the most important part of the form. Make sure that the information in this section is written clearly. You could also add a section for today’s date.

• Reason for day off

There are plenty reasons for a day off. But, you can narrow it down in the form. Some justifiable reasons for a day off are sick day, doctors appointment, family emergency, business trip, etc.

• Requested time for a day off

After they’ve told you the reason, it’s time to write the requested time. There are two option on how this should look like. The first option is that you could make it a set form. What we mean by this is you could provide options such as a half day, full day, or several days day off. Or you could let them fill it on their own.

• Authorization of wage cut

If your company have a policy on cutting wages in substitute of an office day, mention it. Make sure that they fully understand the details. You could even provide the specific clause of the rule.

• Signature

This last part closes and verifies the whole letter. It lets supervisors/ bosses knows that it is indeed a letter written by them.

Having a day off is important for many reasons. Additionally, a good day off request form will make things easier for both the employee and the company. That is why you need to know the format of a concise request form. Using our format will be a good first step. Good luck!