6 Important Details of A Research Consent Form

Scholars do research all the time in order to conduct a study on the real life. Most of the time, research will ask people to participate. Participating could feel exciting and new. But, be careful because not every research is safe and harmless. That is why there is a research consent form. It is meant to notify you about the research conducted and the risks that entails. You need to know this form before you get into any research to protect yourself.

When to Use a Medical Research Form

Before knowing the details of the form, it is important to know when this consent form needs to be available. Here are some examples of when a research consent form is needed:

1. When the research is physically demanding

If you are going to conduct research that will need physical activeness, this form is needed. This form is going to be reassure participants that the physical activity will not be detrimental towards their physical well being in the long run.

2. When you have to pay someone to do the research

A payment –the amount, time, and method of payment –is guaranteed through the information in this consent form.

3. When the research takes a long time

Research that is conducted for a long time (approximately more than 2 days) will need this form. It lets the participant know that they are safe to withdraw if the research has gone out of hand.

4. When the research use foreign substances

Foreign substances might just create harm. A disclaimer about the substance used in the research is a form of responsibility from the side of the researcher.

Key Points Meant To Be in A Research Consent Form

Regardless of the type of research that is going to be conducted. There are several points that needs to be in the research consent form.

The first and most important part is a detailed information about the research. In this section, you need to be transparent about the risk or side effects of the research. Be detailed. Allow the participant to ask questions regarding the content of this section.

The next sentence that needs to be mentioned is a statement of voluntariness. There should be no external pressure whatsoever that pushes participant to join this research. Following this sentence is a line mentioning the right to withdraw. If the participant feel the need to withdraw from the research, they should have the right to do so. This is justified considering the nature of the research which is voluntary.

Academic Research Consent Form

Academic Research Consent Form

Informed Parental Research Consent

Informed Parental Research Consent

Marketing Consent

Marketing Consent

Medical Research Consent

Medical Research Consent

Patient Consent Form

Patient Consent Form

Psychology Research Consent

Psychology Research Consent

Researcher might also ask for the consent for access of personal information. Some research is so detailed that it needs several information regarding the participant. This gathering of information should be done with the consent of the participant.

For several research, compensation arrangement is also needed. In this section you need to specify the amount of money, when it will be given, and how. This section means that the researcher will be responsible in paying and the participant will be determined to participate until the end.

The research consent form is closed with a signature and date of signing from the participant and the researcher. It is the part saying that this consent form is filled legally.

Research is important to solve the problem in our world. But, not all research is created the same. That is why, in order to protect yourself, you need to know what a good research consent form. Knowing a good consent form is also important for researchers so that they’re more responsible in conducting research.