7 Peer Feedback Form Free

Helping a friend out comes in many ways. The most noble one is by helping her/him see their strength and weakness which will help them grow. Feedbacks are the most traditional way of pushing for growth. It allows a space for some constructive criticism that won’t shatter their confidence. Learn all about that form in a peer feedback form.

When To Use The Form

The first question is when should the form be used? This form is usually used in a setting that is not too formal. It could be for a minor assessment in a classroom. It could also be for a group building activity in your work. Your opinion on your peer will be asked when they don’t need a professional reviewer. So, technical things are usually not what you will be asked to critique upon.

For example, this form is commonly used in classroom. When their classmates are doing a presentation, their peers would have to judge them. They will be given prompts that they have to answer based on the performance. This shows that the activity assessed is rarely too technical or serious. In the end, it makes students more focused on the presentation. It also makes them more critical. This benefit applies to everyone that uses the form.

CTE Microteaching Peer Feedback Form

CTE Microteaching Peer Feedback Form
CTE Microteaching Peer Feedback Form

Graduate Teaching Peer Feedback Form

Graduate Teaching Peer Feedback Form
Graduate Teaching Peer Feedback Form

Higher Education Peer Feedback Form

Higher Education Peer Feedback Form
Higher Education Peer Feedback Form

Peer Feedback Form Free Download

Peer Feedback Form Free Download
Peer Feedback Form Free Download

Peer Review Feedback Form

Peer Review Feedback Form
Peer Review Feedback Form

Sample Peer Review Form

Sample Peer Review Form
Sample Peer Review Form

What’s In a Peer Feedback Form

The structure of a peer feedback form is really simple. All you need are these aspects:

  • Identity
    First and foremost, write down the name of you and your peer. Some form will ask you to be more specific. You could be asked to write down the ID number of the both of you. This level of detail varies between forms.
  • Details of the activity
    You will also need to be clear on the activity being conducted. The date and place of the form will be asked.
  • Evaluation
    This is the core of the form. You will be asked to judge them on certain criteria. It could be in the form of questions or statements. You will then have to answer with the tools in the form.
  • Advice
    If you have some advice or critiques left unsaid, write them down here. This part may or may not exist in several forms.

How To Evaluate Your Friend

Evaluating your friend might be tricky. On one hand, you do not want them to get a bad score because of you. On the other hand, you want them to grow and you don’t want to be subjective. We’re here to solve that dilemma.

Our first tip in solving that is to be constructive. Being constructive means that you do not critique them to take them down. You simply shed a light on things that needs to be improvement. No personal insult is allowed. This type of criticism allows you to be objective on your partner without the guilt. You know that whatever you write is true and it will help them grow.

The second tip is to reflect on the question. Most peers just tick the boxes in the peer feedback form without ever knowing what it is asking for. This might lead to a disadvantage for your peer. To counter this, take some time to read through all the question before the evaluation. If you have questions, simply ask the supervisor. After the activity, take your time to reflect on the question in comparison to what your peer did. You will create a more comprehensive evaluation.

How noble is the act of helping our friend grow! Do so right now by knowing all about a peer feedback form. Learn the structure and tips, you won’t regret it!