10+ Free Professional Resignation Letters

6 Parts of an Amazing Professional Resignation Letters: Having to explain and to deal with your resignation can be hard. You’ll be faced with a lot of questions from employers and peers. You’ll also have to deal with the complicated bureaucracy in your company. Say no more, use our professional resignation letters to save some time.

A resignation letter is a pre-requisite to quitting the company. It is used to specify when you’ll quit the company and why. It is important to maintain good relation with your current company before you move on to the next one. This letter will do the job. Read our articles to know how to craft a good letter.

What Goes Inside a Professional Resignation Letters

Some of the contents that ought to be in a resignation letter are:

  • Personal identity
    Write your name, your current position, your address, and other ways to contact you. If you have an identity number as an employee, write that down too.
  • Who you’re writing to
    In order to make a clear letter, write down the full name of who you are writing to. People typically write to the Human Resource Division, the boss in their division, or the executive in their company. Address this person throughout the letter.
  • When you’ll be quitting
    Write down the exact date that you plan to quit. It is important to give this letter two weeks prior to the date. The two weeks will be used by your company for a needed adjustment. In this time span, you will also be able to finish your remaining job.
  • Why you’re quitting
    This is one of the most important part of the letter. Write down why you choose to quit. Is it because of your company? Or is it because you chose a new plan? If you choose to go to a new company, mention which one it is. Mention your reasons respectfully to avoid bad blood.
  • Good words about your current job and company
    Write down how this company have helped you grow. What lessons have this company gave you? How has this job helped you personally? Leave a strong last impression.
  • Closing statement
    Reiterate how much you enjoyed the job. Also say that you are open for questions.

How To Issue a Resignation Letter

After knowing the structure, it is time to write down your own letter. Make it into a business format to keep it professional. It is better to type it down rather than using your hand writing. After that is done, send it through the company’s email. Or, you could drop it to your boss’s secretary. to be on the safe side, you could do both. Then, all you have to do is to check whether your boss have received it. Do this by asking your boss in person, asking the secretary, or contacting your boss through their number.

Blank Professional Resignation Letters

Blank Professional Resignation Letter

Employment Resignation Letter

Employment Resignation Letter

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Professional Resignation Letters for Job Resignation

Professional Resignation Letters Example

Letter of Resignation Example

Sample Professional Resignation Letter

Sample Professional Resignation Letter

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Simple Professional Resignation Letter

How To Easily Resign

To make your resignation process easier, follow our tips. Our first tips would be to say goodbye to your peers and boss. Make some time to personally say goodbye to your boss. Also talk with your peers. Let them know why you choose to resign.

A lot of questions will come so you need to come with a preparation. The most important preparation is confidence. Having no confidence will make this process much harder. Be confident in telling them your plan after resigning. Plus, do not make a big deal out of it. Keeping it low key is the bet option.

Turns out, writing a professional resignation letters is not that hard. Refer to our template and tips to make a convincing one. With our letter, you’ll glide towards your new job easily. Good luck!