8+ Statutory Warranty Deed Free

You can’t just give away your house to someone else. Not when you are living in a world of law. A statutory warranty deed allows you to have a clear legal ownership of a property. Without it, you could get into trouble in the future. Based on the importance, we encourage you to learn the information about it in our article.

Things To Pay Attention To Before Getting a New Property

At one point of your life you might be given your own property. In other cases, you might also have to buy it. Before you accept any offer, look for these signs:

  1. The sturdiness of the architecture
    Is the walls and floor sturdy enough? A badly aging property might not be the property that you want. You’ll have to cash out a lot of money to fix it.
  2. Any flaws in the building
    Whether it’s termites, fungi, or even a peeling paint. Note all the flaws of the building down. After all these flaws, do you think taking the house is still worth it? It is up for you to decide.
  3. History of the building
    Dig into a history of the building. If it is a new building, you do not have to.
  4. Value of the property
    Finally, ask for the value of the property. Remember your budget while you are at it. You do not want to inflate your spending right? Meanwhile, if you are given the property for free, still remember your budget. Would maintaining the house exceed your normal budget?

Use all of these aspects as a consideration whether to keep or let go of the property. You will make a more well rounded decision.

Florida Statutory Warranty Deed Form

Florida Statutory Warranty Deed Form
Florida Statutory Warranty Deed Form

Special Warranty Deed Form

Special Warranty Deed Form
Special Warranty Deed Form

State of California Warranty Deed Form

State of California Warranty Deed Form
State of California Warranty Deed Form

Statutory Form Warranty Deed

Statutory Form Warranty Deed
Statutory Form Warranty Deed

Statutory Warranty Deed (Corporate)

Statutory Warranty Deed Corporate
Statutory Warranty Deed Corporate

Statutory Warranty Deed Form

Statutory Warranty Deed Form
Statutory Warranty Deed Form

What’s In a Statutory Warranty Deed

There are a couple things that you will find in a statutory warranty deed. Some of those things are:

  • Information of seller
    The information for seller is pretty simple. All that is needed is the name and address of the seller.
  • Information of buyer
    Then next to the “warrant to” section, you’ll fill the information of the buyer. It doesn’t have to be lengthy. It is pretty much the same with the information that is needed from the seller.
  • State name
    Make sure that you also include your state’s name in the form. It is usually apparent in the line “the described property is in the location of …”.
  • Rights and laws
    In the form, you will also be explained your rights. These rights are protected under a law that is also written in the form. Keep in mind that laws from state to state is different.

How To Maintain Your Property

If you’ve done all the transferring, it’s time to know how to maintain the property well. The first tip is to fix all the flaws immediately. Don’t opt for cheap alternatives to fix it. It is better to invest in a more expensive yet durable solution to the flaws of the house. For example, when trying to get rid of termites, don’t just use cheap bug spray. Find an expert to get rid of it forever.

Next, you would want to keep a close eye on the property. Have a thorough check up every other month. Make sure to clean all the nooks and crannies regularly. Doing all these preventive measure is better than having to do one big makeover.

Transferring the ownership is not that hard, especially when you use our statutory warranty deed. All you have to do is to get it from our website and fill it out. How easy!